Little Red Riding Hood and GDPR : Who’s afraid of the big GDPR


DBA & Infrasturktura

Datum i vrijeme

četvrtak, 19. listopad 2017., 14:00


Dvorana A



Wikipedia states :The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) is a regulation by which the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission intend to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU). It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU. The primary objectives of the GDPR are to give citizens and residents back control of their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU.What does this mean for the Oracle DBA how can he help his company to be compliant with this regulation ? Which Oracle products can help you with this difficult task. This session will be a mix between practical experience and theory. Both speakers worked at a highly secured complex banking environment

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje
Razina težine: Općenito
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Iskusni (2-3 g.)
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja: DBA

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