JSON in the Oracle Database: what is it and when should I use it?


Best Practicies & Success Stories

Datum i vrijeme

četvrtak, 17. listopad 2019., 10:20


Dvorana D



Support for JSON data is relatively new in the Oracle Database - yet it has gained strong adoption for a multitude of use cases. In this talk you learn why JSON is so popular (especially among developer) and what functionalities the Oracle database offers to store, query, index and generate JSON data. We also present common customer user cases and best practices on how to process the JSON data efficiently. In a live demo we show how code in nodejs and python can easily work with Oracle Database using the new SODA (Simple Oracle Document Access) Api.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Bez iskustva (1 g. i manje)
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja: Programeri , DBA
Grupa aktivnosti: Best Practicies & Success Stories

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